Ordnance and Energetics
Fuzes, S&As, Initiators, Detonators, Leads

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M739/739A1 P.D. Fuze
Point Detonating Fuzes M739 and M739A1 are selective superquick and 0.05 second delay (M739) or auto-delay (M739A1) impact fuzes designed for use in all standard HE artillery 4.2 inch Mortar, 105mm through 8 inch Howitzers and 175mm Guns.
The M739 series fuzes are the latest improved version of the selective impact fuzes. The fuze body is a one-piece design of solid aluminum and has a standard 2-inch threaded base to match projectile nose and fuze cavity. The fuze consists primarily of five (5) modular subassemblies: (1) crossbar and holder assembly (2) firing pin and detonator assembly, (3) setting sleeve assembly, (4) M1 Delay Plunger Assembly (M739), or Impact Delay Module Assembly (M739A1), and (5) the safe and arming assembly.

The crossbar and holder assembly is a rain insensitive sleeve that allows firing in heavy rain with reduced probability of downrange premature functioning. The assembly is in the nose section of the fuze and consists of five (5) crossbars which break up raindrops and foliage and thus reduce fuze initiation sensitivity without affecting ground or target impact sensitivity.
The firing pin and detonator assembly is located below the rain insensitive sleeve and provides the superquick action on impact. The firing pin is held in position by a firing pin support which prevents initiation of the M99 Stab Detonator until impact.
The setting sleeve assembly (interrupter) is located in the side of the fuze body extending through the flash path of the M99 Detonator and thus provides selection of a PD mode which does not interrupt the flash from the detonator; or a delay mode which prevents the detonation flash from initiating the explosive train.
The M1 Delay Plunger Assembly is located in the rear portion of the M739 fuze and provides a 0.050 second fuze initiation delay for target penetration when the setting sleeve is set “delay”, When not set “delay”, the M1 delay plunger provides a back-up and graze action function for the superquick setting.
The M739A1 fuze contains an Impact Delay Module (IDM) assembly instead of the M1 Delay Plunger Assembly. The IDM provides fuze initiation delay based upon the completion of’ mechanical actions caused by projectile deceleration and will function immediately after passing through the target. Function occurs when a spring loaded firing pin is released. There are no explosive components contained within the IDM.
The safe and arming (S&A) module is below the delay assembly. It contains a rotor with a M55 detonator, an escapement to prevent the detonator from aligning with the explosive firing train until safe arming distance is achieved, both setback and spin locks to prevent accidental arming prior to firing, The explosive lead when initiated will detonate the booster pellet made of 22 grams of Composition A5 which is held by an aluminum booster cup assembled into the base of the fuze.